Angela Berliner was born and bred in Petaluma, a lovely town north of San Francisco,
famous for being the former chicken and egg capitol of the world.

Her fond memories of her home town consist mainly of the seasonal smell of cow manure
permeating the air and the ever-pressing question of

"Why is the Petaluma River so brown?"

After graduating from high school, she moved to Los Angeles to attend Occidental College
where she received her B.A. in Theater and Religious Studies. At school, Angela suffered from
severe insomnia, panic attacks, and an on and off again affair with prescription pills and gin and diet tonics.

She also graduated Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude, receiving distinction on her senior thesis in Theater for writing the play,
"Little", and her senior thesis in Religious Studies for her paper on the Christian masculinization of
Roman entertainment literature in the 2nd and 3rd centuries C.E.

Currently, Angela is living with her twin sister Jordana after her Eagle Rock apartment flooded
with sewage.

She can be seen gracing the stage at the Actors' Gang playing a pinhead in "Alagazam".