In episode four, "Slottet i Det Fjerne", Pukey and Fenriz were last seen drinking beers on
the beach, downtown.  Pukey remarked that he was too drunk to walk home.  We know he does
not own a car, Fenriz is a visitor from Norway and therefore would not hold a valid California

driver's license, and driving drunk is dangerous, illegal, and virtually impossible in Santa Barbara,
on the weekend.  Any cash-money Pukey had would be spent on alcohol, which logically rules out
a taxi.  We will assume they did not sleep on the beach.



Built in the 1920's as a hotel for business travelers, by the end of the century it had become
a site for retirees in need of low-cost housing.  Once found at the corner of
Carrillo &
De La Vina, it was
demolished in 1998.  It is now a hole in the ground -- although new
construction is planned.